{This music video basically just describes my likes. I have no idea why I chose this one, at the time this was the only one that came to mind}
{FUN FACT: This song/music video alone gave me one of my many ideas of a stories to write - if you care}
Alright, where do I begin with this one? This is definitely one of, if not, the most, weirdest video Panic! have made. Unlike Panic's other videos: 'Say Amen (Saturday Night)', 'This Is Gospel' and 'Emperor's New Clothes' videos that follow the same story. This one doesn't. This one just.... EXISTS.
The music video described in a nutshell;
'Brendon Urie {the lead singer} is some sort of cult leader who kidnaps and brainwashes children'.
In the video you witness him do it in the act to a poor boy.
Let's just agree that this video is an odd one to say the least especially to analyze. But hey, I wanna be different, I like a challenge. Especially when I can express myself self interests un-talkatively (I don't even know if that's a word). So I'm gonna try my best.
Panic At The Disco creates tunes that are not only radio friendly but satisfies our hearing.Well that may not be scientifically proven but instead a matter of opinion but oh well.
Panic At The Disco creates tunes that are not only radio friendly but satisfies our hearing. (Well that may not be scientifically proven but instead a matter of opinion but oh well);
The video is about a young boy being tortured and kidnapped by Panic At The Disco’s lead singer, Brendon. Meanwhile satanic symbols float around, the purpose, to expose Hollywood’s cruel ways.
While the lyrics reflect a happy-go-lucky song, Brandon Urie did not in-fact follow through. The video is a dark, troubling experience. Brendon Urie has played evil characters before in their music video to The Emperors New Clothes but yes indeed, the lead singer Brendon Urie has done it all again as he is seen taking pleasure in torturing a child in an all-out, satanic brainwashing session. Preying on children, taking pleasure in making them suffer, brainwashing them, black magic rituals: All of the occult elite’s favourite things are crammed in this short music video.
Devotee, meaning an “enthusiast” or “strong believer” is used to describe LA’s cruel ways. The aim of the video was to expose what Hollywood is really like, brainwashing and all.
Taking The Video Apart (As well as I can)
The firsts scene shows a young girl realizing she’s being followed. This only lasts for a few seconds as the girl is then taken by a figure dressed in red.

The camera then pans out exposing what seems to be a crop circle shaped with an alchemical symbol. But the alchemical is marked with an exclamation mark which refers to the bands symbol. This then gave to the theory that there the ones behind the kidnapping.
{Which I honestly think looks really cool, the person who had to mow this grass deserves a raise}

The next point worth considering is when a boy, who has to this point never been spotted in the footage, is strapped to a chair in a dark cult-like room. You can then see the “recording” sign which exposes the fact that some were in the world somebody likes to watch the boys torturing.

And yes it is Noah Schnapp, Billy in Stranger Things.⬆
Using Noah was a smart decision as it brings into point the MKULTRA system. Schnapp is kidnapped again (rough right?!) and forced to watch Brendon Urie sing. Although that may not seem like a punishment things soon escalate as trauma-based mind control begins. Mind control is a mix of abuse, torture and satanic rituals in order to cause trauma. The boy in the video is subjected to all of this.
The camera is used to expose how some sickening elite groups enjoy watching footage like this.

This creepy figure has a mask with a Baphomet-style headdress. This is the person conducting the rituals.

The boy sings on cue as if he has been brain-washed by mass media. During this Brendon is projected on a screen in front of the kid as he sings with a demented look on his face. He truly appears to be enjoying torturing the boy. An image flashes on the screen for a split second explaining the motive in doing this. This was an image resembling the sigil of the Church of Satan.

While this disturbing stuff is happening, the lyrics explain that what we are witnessing is the true religion of LA, the home of the entertainment business.
"The black magic of Mulholland Drive Swimming pools under desert skies Drinking white wine in the blushing light Just another LA Devotee Sunsets on the evil eye Invisible to the Hollywood shrine Always on the hunt for a little more time Just another LA Devotee"
The first line of the chorus directly mentions the “black magic” of Mulholland Drive, the iconic street that crosses through Hollywood. David Lynch’s enigmatic movie Mulholland Dr. cryptically refers to the dark side of Hollywood as well. The line “sunsets on the evil eye” is another direct reference to the occult elite ruling Hollywood (which is also crossed by Sunset Blvd). Altogether he lyrics imply that those who take part in Hollywood’s industry are part of a sick cult … they’re LA Devotees.
The boy is then given something to drink.

Yes this is the girl from the start. It is often that MK slaves are used to program upcoming MK slaves.
It is speculated that the boys drink had psychedelic drugs which are used in actual MK programming to facilitate trauma. A bunch of creepy images flash on-screen, the kind that would be used to traumatize drugged slaves.
A big goat head is quickly flashed on screen. More satanic stuff.

Animal masks are commonly used in MK rituals, like displayed below.

{The was the fastest of the images to come and leave the screen. This was a short timed image but an unsettling image}

Blood dripping over a skull is a symbolic way to represent the elites love for sacrifice surrounding blood. This was the meaning for the photo above, pretty deep right?

Wires are shown held by another figure in red. These wires seem to electrify.

“Witches” are then videoed attaching the wires on the boy’s head through force. This was unsettling as well.

As the beat intensified the boy is electroshocked. Pain fills his face. What did I tell you? This is far from a happy-go-lucky music video!
Electroshock torture is a well-known technique used in MK Ultra to cause trauma and dissociation. Combined with the drugs, the rituals and the brainwashing, the video leaves no doubts as to what it is referring to.

After convulsing violently for long seconds, the boy is knocked out of consciousness. This apparently makes Brendon very happy.

{My god this man can act. He's so expressive with his emotions}

Brendon then walks up to the boy in a menacing matter. What is he going to do! How could you stop a video with a man in complete power walking up to an unconscious boy?!
What are you going to do abuse the kid, rape him, sell him on the black market! How could you end a video with a helpless boy stuck without just a shimmer of help and or guidance ?At the end of the video the ordeal is not even over, Brendon is just getting started.
{I am a sadist... I need help}
The video for LA Devotee depicts Brendon as a mind-control handler and celebrates how the occult elite partakes in this horror in total impunity. The children are taken, tortured and turned into slaves. On a wider scale, the video represents how, through mass media, the youth of the entire world is brainwashed into believing that all of this great and cool, which leads them to worshiping their favourite stars. The ultimate goal: To create just another LA Devotee. The video could be about stereo types, brainwashing or just pure and plain evil.
One things for sure, the music video is aimed at the brainwashing of Hollywood:

{*sigh* I wouldn't mind being kidnapped by Brendon Urie tbh... 🙄 - he wouldn't need to brainwash me I'd just submit willingly...}
{I'm not joking about his acting, the glitching doesn't help. I mean look at him. HE'S JUST SO EVIL!!!😈}
