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Representation of Asians in Media

Media Bloggers

Updated: Jan 13

1)Asian Representation in movies-

Between the early 2000s or the late 2010s there were very few depictions of Asian characters on film or television - and almost none in children's media - that weren't blatant stereotypes. There was a significant increase of Asian characters from 3% to 16% over the course of 2007 to 2022 , the study examined major characters in the top 100 films and serries on streaming platforms (characterized as characters in three or more episodes of a show or billed in at sixth place in film credits).And in the last five years , there has been a push for Asian representation within the industry . The popular and critical success of films such as "Crazy Rich Asians" "Parasite" and "Everything all at once". Crazy rich Asians being the most popular , the first major Hollywood movie featuring an Asian - American cast in 25 years (since 1993`s the Joy Lurk Club) made $237 million worldwide at the box office and became the highest - grossing romantic comedy of the decade. Crazy Rich Asians could be seen as hegemonic because people assume Asians get a good education and are more likely to be successful.

2)Asian Representations in Tv serries-

Never Have I Ever is a teen drama that thrived on Netflix .Never Have I Ever follows the journey of a first - generation Indian - American teenage girl , Devi navigating her way though life. It received a equal amount of love and hate from South Asian audiences .It is criticised for how it breaks preconceived stereotypes , while simultaneously creating harmful ones .Asian women are often typecast as obedient , though Devi`s character isn`t voiceless in the slightest - yelling expletives in public and spreading lies like a wildfire. Lots of the South Asian audience are appreciate of Devis representation , as there is so many young South Asian women that grow up with the constant pressure to be perfect , and its reflected in the often stereotypical representation we see on TV. However some argue Devi falls into Mindy Kaling`s (author) pattern of self - inserted female Indian protagonists - the archetypal insecure , brash and boy - crazy girl. Devis character display could be seen as a hegemonic attempt of breaking the Indian stereotype.

3)Asian representation in K-pop



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