I decided to focus on gun crime because i believe that it is a growing issue and different medias a re presenting it in different ways. In particular, the Guardians article about 'a white man who shot three black men during hurricane Katrina pleads guilty'. The title is interesting because it shows division and hate between two different races, the article gives an overview of what happened where as on the Gun Violence Archive website informs us statistics about the frightening issue. Shockingly it gives examples like there were 46,937 gun incidents so far this year. The websites has different categories and you are able to visit pages on previous incidents, both medias present the information factually. The Gun Violence Archive states on their website; ' It is hoped that this information will inform and assist those engaged in discussions and activities concerning gun violence, including analysis of proposed regulations or legislation relating to gun safety usage. All we ask is to please provide proper credit for use of Gun Violence Archive data and advise us of its use.' Implying that they are raising awareness of gun crime informing people with statistics. in comparison with the newspaper article, the article focuses on the incident itself. In general we just she newspaper articles showing the gun crimes but nothing is actually being done to stop the issue, i believe that the newspaper articles almost promote gun crimes. We see the articles everywhere and people are influenced by them because they assume that if you don't like someone then violence is the answer. Moreover if we seen things being done about the gun crimes and less articles about them it could be possible that if the number of incidents could decrease. Furthermore on the Gun Crime Archive website they state facts and is useful if people were researching Gun crimes but otherwise it serves no purpose because again nothing is being done to stop the crimes.
