The 2022 music video 'Anti-hero', from her tenth studio album, written and directed by Taylor Swift, highlights the idea of having two versions of yourself in your head, and how much it can consume you and your opinion of yourself. She represents the idea of never being good enough for yourself even after doing so much to be 'perfect' for yourself, this could involve overdoing exercise, eating less or even refusing to eat meals. Taylor creates a perfect example of how even if you're looking amazing, you won't see this and your mind will play tricks on you to continue working harder and harder on yourself. Within the music video, Taylor steps onto a weighing scale, to weigh herself, and there are no other options then 'fat' being put in the middle. Suggesting how even if you reached your 'body goal' in your weigh or what you were aiming to achieve, your mind believes it can do more and that is not good enough.

The 2020 documentary 'Miss Americana' follows a film about Taylor Swift's career, while covering her whole life since she was little. She talks about her problems and her best moments of her career so far and the impact they have had on her. One of her biggest highlights she talks about is her eating disorder and how much the media influenced for her to have one. Swift demonstrates that sometimes if the media would say something about her body shape and the way it looked, it would almost force her to starve herself. For instance, an magazine published in the mid 2010s stated that she was pregnant because of a little bump on her stomach. Unfortunately, comments like these would persuade Taylor to have an eating disorder, so she can be in the 'perfect shape' for society. Swift talks about within her documentary how if you're skinny, people will harass you about not having 'an ass' or 'big enough boobs', but if you have enough weight to have them, your stomach is 'too big'. She suggests how within society, you can never really win with your body imagine, and how sadly some people always have something to say.