Across a lot of media products, the representation of teenagers has been relatively negative. Teenagers are always represented as stubborn and selfish characters. They are usually used to fuel anger and annoyance from other characters (mainly adults) which will progress the narrative. Although Derry Girls also does this, it isn't in a way that will also infuriate the audience too. Derry Girls uses teenagers to annoy older characters in the plot as a comedic feature of the series. The teenagers (throughout the seasons) were very independent and even though they would get themselves into trouble, they'd always find their own way out too.
This commonly used 'negative' representation of teenagers across a lot of media is very dangerous and impacting. Teenagers learn from the media. If there is a character on the screen that is very similar to them, same age, interests etc. then they will feel that they have to act similar to this character too to 'fit in'. Without knowing whether this is true or not, the teenager would see this character and think that other teenagers act like this too, so then they will learn to do as they do. But really, no teenagers act like that - not many anyway. These characters on the screen that are over the top with sarcasm and attitudes are created by these directors to fuel emotion from the other characters and the audience. It is a general misrepresentation of teenagers and can have an impact on how teenagers who watch and consume these products will act.
Derry Girls has a positive representation though, the series overall is comedic and somewhat relatable for teenagers. Though not everything will be relatable (like how they end up in situations in the first place), but the family issues, mental issues, and sexual orientation is explored in this series so it is very inclusive and representative of teenagers now.
Pretty Little Liars also does this. The main characters are introduced as teenagers, they make mistakes but throughout the whole show, the teenagers handle things themselves without involving adults or being immature about it. Instead of being represented as annoying they are presented as strong, driven characters who work together maturely.
Both Derry Girls and Pretty Little Liars represent teenagers in a good light, breaking the effective negative stereotype of teenagers that can and possibly has changed and shaped the way teenagers act - or perhaps has made teenagers insecure, making them overthink about how they act, and if they are as annoying as the dramatised characters on the screen. I think both of these series have understood and taken the side of teenagers, allowing the stereotype to be shaped into something more positive and admirable.
