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Representing Issues : Toxic Relationships

Media Bloggers

"Happier Than Ever" is the title track to Billie Eilishes second album "Happier Than Ever" .Eilish reflects on her past relationship , how it made her feel , and how she was mistreated. The five minute track uses two different instrumentals , representing two different tones as she expresses her thoughts Throughout the first part we hear a lullaby story telling tone of her explaining how she was constantly lied to , claiming she's happier away from her partner and their abuse .The second part transitions into a rough , provoking drum college as Billie revisits the trauma she endured. This was intentional to help the listener feel her emotion whilst listening to the song.

Eilish said "Happier Than Ever was probably the most therapeutic song I have ever written or recorded , cause i just screamed my lungs out and could barely talk afterwards , i had wanted get those screams out for a very long time and it was nice to". Conveying to us her suppressed anger and emotions that her past relationship built up.

In the music video that she directed and edited herself she paid attention to minor details , whilst also using no cgi , which she further explained in the "making of the Happier Than Ever Music Video":

She explains the subtle details added into this music video and says "there's water dripping from the ceiling and I'm not even noticing it , that's a metaphor for not noticing how bad the situation is until it floods , and is terrible". The water acts as extreme symbolism , as she is swimming though it she is escaping the toxic relationship , abuse and struggling . After she gets out the water she screams and dances ,almost letting out all of the rage of being trapped in the toxic relationship , and feeling freedom again.

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