The masthead is conveniently located on the left of the paper as to extenuate the relevance of the image. The name itself could suggest the paper is not bias to any corporate or political gains. The blocky, capital font could connote the importance of staying impartial. The logo may connote a traditional idea that paper is delivered as the bird is carrying the paper to its destination, reinforcing old news values. The colour of the logo however, could suggest a left leaning Labour bias although the paper states its independence to a political group.
The headline Britain's betrayal of children crossing channel is referring to the issues small boat crossings in the Conservative's domestic policy. The use of the word Betrayal is obvious through the use of the apostrophes to show the true scale of failure to supply basic human rights to children.
The main image models Conservative Prime Minister then Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak in a blurred out room. Perhaps the room is blurred top to draw attention to his facial expression. His face is grainy and his eyes seem tearful or bloodshot as if he had been crying. This could connote a sense of failure. This image is possibly connected with all of the failures of the Conservative government scattered all across the page. However, the anchorage is surprisingly positive, stating that Chancellor had announced more financial support during lockdown. This Anchorage juxtaposes all of the other failures by the Conservatives on this page possibly connotes how one success is little compared to all the failures. The image is one of only two images in colour on the front page, this is possibly done to show the facial expression of Sunak.
Again, Sunak is placed in the center of the page to draw attention to the possible agenda of this days newspaper. The masthead is located to the left side of the paper once again possibly to bring attention to the main stories and or make space for the use of such a big image on a paper's front page. Smaller social stories are placed towards the top of the page to attract that audience that may not be as interested in the political side of the paper. The sleek, clean design of the front page could be used to simplify the paper for readers and therefore make it more accessible.
The name of the paper suggests that it is used more to inform rather than to push an ideology on the reader. However, the stories could suggest that the paper value contemporary stories, they value political stories as well as current affairs but also a duty to tackle social injustice by giving a platform to the issues of the small boat crossings.