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Social Realism

Media Bloggers

Films under the social realism category often use unknown actors and contain themes such as drugs, money, social classes and religion.

Ken Loach's work includes movies such as "Poor cow" "Kes" and "My name is Joe" . His Movies deals with issues of poverty, class, mundane life, and everyday struggles. "Kes" is a 1969 British film which tells the story and struggles of a young boy with no aspirations.

Along with Ken Loach, other social realist directors include Mike Leigh, Shane Meadows and Clio Barnard. Shane Meadows' film "This is England" uses shots that arent from the film but footage shot during the 80's which sets the era of the film.

Social Realism films are often identified with black and white or monochrome cinematography they are also often avoiding romantic embellishments and create candid portraits that expose human flaws. They also aim to represent life,character,settings and events that closely resemble real-world problems and issues.

Themes such as money,drugs, prostitution and sex are quite common and usual in modern contemporary social realism films as well as class,realism and political views.

Some examples of Social Realism production companies are "the crown film unit" which was an organisatipn within the British Government's Ministry of information during WWII. "Woodfall" ie the force behind many of the films that transformed the british cinemas into one of the most dynamic in the world: "Look Back In Anger" "A Taste Of Honey" and "Kes"


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