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The BREXIT referendum- constructed representations

Elise Farrell

This image is from The Sun, which is a red top tabloid, this is one of many examples of drastic propaganda produced by the sun in attempts to convince the British population to vote to leave the EU. The play on words and the including of the British flag is an influencing technique to connect with citizens feeling of patriotism. This is a shortcut to meaning and to express the suns values as it was supportive of Brexit. The phrase be-leave in this style became very popular amongst Brexiters and was plastered all over the nation, The Sun spent £96000 publishing tabloids similar to this all backing BREXIT.

This UKIP poster consumed a lot of attention and highlighted the topic of anti-immigrants that was in deep association with BREXIT. The aim of this advert is to convince the audience to vote to leave the EU and to do this, they play on the readers already existing fears of immigration. Firstly, the advert immediately grabs our attention with the bold headline ‘breaking point’. This is in a red colour which possibly represents danger and alert, creating a sense of warning and panic when it comes to making the decision of leaving or remaining. Furthermore, the image on the poster overwhelmingly consists of non-white males and so this creates the stereotype that migrants are predominantly males that are people of colour, which could be very damaging and encourage racial discrimination. From Richard Dyer's four reasons for stereotyping, this one would be due to an expression of values. This links to the idea of hegemony as clearly, dominant ideologies are being normalised and forced upon the audience as an attempt to scare them into voting the way that they want them to.

This video contains a clip from a BBC interview where Nigel Farage (UKIP leader) stated that he would like to spend the money gained after BREXIT on hospitals and GPs. This sparked an immense increase in votes to leave as this is a communally cared about topic amongst the UK and would majorly benefit citizens. After the votes where in and it was announces that Britain was exiting Europe, Nigel Farage revealed that it was not the plan to use the additional funds for the NHS and that was just a simple thought he had that “would be nice” but is not happening. After this many BREXIT advocates stated that they felt deceived and where reconsidering if they still believe that exiting Europe was the right move. Farage stated he believes the marketplace could deliver better value for money instead of spending on the NHS.


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