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The Daily Telegraph Newspaper Analysis

The masthead ‘The Daily Telegraph’ suggests that the newspaper values recency and aims to inform the audience on fresh, current events. The usage of a formal traditional gothic font in the masthead highlights the prominent level of professionalism and indicates that the newspaper will include hard-hitting content.

The simple main headline ‘Europe to welcome tourists for the summer’ is a desire to many and therefore sets the overall feel to the newspaper positively, it also engages to the audience by bringing in excitement. The headline that follows underneath ‘Former M16 spy produced a second Trump dossier for the FBI’ is quite hard-hitting in contrast.

The main story takes up the majority of the frontpage. The newspaper follows the typical broadsheet layout, it contains more text than pictures and no direct address. There is a plainer layout compared to most tabloid newspapers, for example, the small typeface which suggests that the audience would have to make more effort to read and consume the content rather than catching the story at a quick glance.

The serious mode of address suggests that a good range of vocabulary is needed to take in and to understand the stories provided. This also indicates that the preferred audience has completed education at least at the secondary level. This is also because the article covers more intermediate topics such as business and therefore somebody with knowledge of these 'complex' subjects will also be needed to be able to fully understand the newspaper.

The main picture takes up a large amount of the newspaper which can be eye-catching towards the audience. Although the image is not directly for the main story it does somewhat relate to the story meaning that the audience can take and receive the image in a number of different ways. The main one is of Boris Johnson elbowing a child signals trust and hope. This hints that the article includes more positive Conservative views.

A good majority of the headlines highlight recency and continuity. Although the news based on Covid-19 is recent, it is part of a bigger story and size is recognized also in this main story as these effects many people not only in the UK but in other European countries. The M16 Trump story uses elite persons and also a fracture of uniqueness.

Like most broadsheets, the agenda that political stories are more important than soft news is visibly set. Entertainment and sports news are placed at the bottom of the newspaper, significantly smaller than the main political stories. This indicates that this type of coverage is less significant and even less important.



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