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The Returned: Representations of Femininity

Mya Haddon

The representations of femininity throughout The Returned are varied throughout. They are represented in a number of different ways as sexualised, marginalised and domestic. Firstly, Camile may been seen as sexualised when she is out shopping with Claire, which shows her desire to look and appear older like her twin sister Lena. This idea is used as an exploration of what Camile has lost by dying- her adolescence. Similarly, Lena can been seen as sexualised a lot throughout the series by the clothes she is seen wearing and how she is treated by other men around her. Finally, Lucy's character is sexualised due to her strange relationship with Jerome. It is unclear what their relationship is actually like, but it is evident in the series that Jerome is paying Lucy to maybe be involved sexually with him. Women in The Returned are also seen as marginalised, for example Adele's story lines are all defined by her relationships with men-her inability to move on psychologically from Simon's death, Thomas spying on her with CCTV footage and Thomas gaslighting her by saying that Simon is in her head-n when he is not. Adele is strongly portrayed as a victim to men. Again sticking with this stereotype, Lucy and Julie are both seen as a victim to male violence due to their attacks on the underpass, where we see that Julie is very much still haunted by this. Lastly, women in The Returned are represented as being domestic which is evident in Claire's character. Claire doesn't really have her own story line, she is more a foil for other characters. She is Pier's partner, Jerome's ex and a mother to Camile and Lena. We also don't see her to every work, although living in a nice house which may suggest that she is a stay at home mother for Camile and Lena. Similarly with Julie, who is seen as a nurse and a mother figure to Victor.

Types of feminists-

Liberal Feminists-

A Liberal Feminist applied to The Returned would point out that Claire is a character who represents a women who has had everything life can throw at her- but no lose herself through it. Her relationships have broken down, her child dies, yet she still has continued to perform the roles expected of her without breaking down or giving in. She still has autonomy over her relationships with men and is a good mother to her children no matter what.

Radical Feminists-

A Radical Feminist applied to The Returned would argue that the show represents women almost exclusively defined by their relationships with men. Adele is constantly getting married- Camile's first impulse as she returns is to grow up and become a women- meaning involving herself with men in Lena's life.

Socialist Feminists-

A Socialist Feminist may be critical of the lack of diversity within the show. Perpetuating ideology that white people are the protagonists in the narrative. We barely see any ethnic diversity amongst the show with the other character being Thomas. Simialarly with sexuality which is only shown between Julie and Laurie, which ultimately ends in disaster.

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