The Returned season 1 can be interpreted as a discussion of patriarchal oppression. This is evident through the use of characters such as Julie, Claire and Adele. We can see this by looking at the show through the perspectives of a liberal feminist, radical feminist and a socialist feminist. we can also apply LVZ, bell hooks and Judith Butler.

Patriarchal oppression and the ideology of domination is evident in the returned through the characters of Adele and Thomas. Adele is shown to be young, confident and free in the flashbacks however, present day Adele can be described as burdened, saudade and traumatised. It seems as though Thomas is the reason for this with his controlling behaviour and gaslighting of Adele. Thomas constantly watches Adele on the cameras he installed in his house and the public cameras on the streets of their small town. By doing this, he has imprisoned Adele with his dominating personality and it has resulted in Adele viewing life as pointless and her being a shadow of her former self. Adele is shown to be an emotional character who without Thomas, would struggle with everyday life. Thomas' describes his controlling behaviour as protecting her and that the cameras are in place for her own good.
There is a comment on oppression and power dynamics, such as in Julies flats, others voyeuristically look at each other vying for supremacy, a chance to climb the hierarchy and dominate. Meanwhile Julie wants nothing to do with any of it yet she is constantly harassed by madame Payet, similarly violent assault in the underpass happens for no other reason than that Julie is a woman which makes her vulnerable in a system where patriarchal oppression exists. Julies efforts to try and evade and reject patriarchal structures makes her more vulnerable to oppression, the more she ignores madame Payet, the more madame Payet snoops. As soon as we learn that Julie is gay, she is gay.