Conde Nast
Genre Conventions:
This edition of Glamour magazine shows many of the conventions you would expect of a magazine of this genre. Uses taglines like the other magazines to inform the reader and uses big numbers such as '745 high street hits' or 'The 50 best companies to work for if you're a woman'. By using a specific number they make it seem as though this is the specific amount and it is no bigger or smaller than that. The fact that they are so specific with the number makes it seem like that is the perfect amount and they know best as it isn't just a list of some random products. Uses clickbait like taglines with it saying 'WIN EVERYTHING' as though it is guaranteed you will win and 'works every single time', making it seem like it will work no matter what which may persuade the reader to read/buy the magazine. This is also an enigma code as it makes the audience curious to what 'the new sex position that works every single time' is. Also, when they say 'And yes, they're still hiring!' is very informal and gives the magazine and more personal and more conversational tone as though they are talking directly to the reader and as though they'd be interested in one of these jobs at one of these 50 companies.
There is no distinct location of the photoshoot as to not take the attention away from Beyonce as she is the main focus of the issue and not any distinct season, setting or location.
Isn't any distinct representations shown.
Media Language:
The binary opposition of happiness vs sadness is seen as it talks about the 'ugly days' but through all that Beyonce is till happy and remains positive and doesn't let any negativity from her past show with the image of her contrasting with what she talks about. Discussing the 'ugly days' also makes the reader sympathise with her due to what she has been in. Taglines are used to inform the reader of the contents of the magazine. Beyonce is the only celebrity and the only image featured on the cover showing that she is the main attraction of this issue of the magazine.
Appeals to the target audience:
Beyonce is very popular with the target demographic so they would be more inclined to buy the magazine as they will be interested in what she has to say. Also, readers may use the magazine to stay relevant and on trend. Furthermore, they may use it as a guide for life with the magazine talking about many different aspects of life so they may use it in different ways for improvement.
Website - https://www.glamourmagazine.co.uk/
The Glamour magazine uses a basic layout in which it lists several different topics including makeup, hair, skin, fashion, entertainment, video and then other things in more. There is also a link to all there social media pages when hovering over the follow button. Also, the user is also able to sign up for a newsletter.
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