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Too many ad's?

Writer: Nick SawardNick Saward

Ad's are everywhere, we are completely surrounded by them. From posters on bus stops to pop ups on websites and social media influencers promoting new products, there's no escaping them but is it really a bad thing?

Companies use adverts to target customers to buy their products by making them aware of the types of things they sell which is good for a business to increase sales, profits and market share. It also gives smaller businesses the chance to succeed by spreading the message of what they do which is very significant for them. It could be argued that consumers benefit from advertising as they can become aware of what products are out there that could be useful to them however for the most part advertising is just harmful!

We are constantly exposed to adverts which makes it difficult to ignore. Pop ups on websites ruin our experiences online showing us adverts we don't want to see and being difficult to close down. A lot of platforms now including Spotify and Youtube ask people to pay extra to get rid of the ads too taking away even more of people's money which shouldn't have to be the case but people will pay it so they don't have to be interrupted by promotions of things they don't necessarily care about.

Not only can adverts be annoying but they can also be harmful and damaging. Companies just want people to buy their products so can be quite extreme in the way they market their products. A lot of people look up to celebrities and companies will usually do sponsorships with celebs to not only reach a wider audience but mainly because they know their followers will be influenced by them and will buy them if they think the celeb uses the product. An example of this was weight loss products. The danger with this is some celebs just take the sponsorship for the money and don't really use the product which is harmful for the consumer.

Overall, adverts are mostly harmful for consumers so having less adverts and instead having more real art and culture in our lives would benefit society a lot more.


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