As much as you may not realise it advertising is everywhere, whether it's on the side of a bus, a billboard or even an advert on social media or TV, advertising is everywhere! Do adverts subconsciously infiltrate our lives and should it be stopped?

There is no getting away from advertising as I said before it is everywhere, however I believe that this should not be the case. As much as advertising is a key part in all aspects of business and media there is no denying it can be annoying. Whether it is as a commercial break during your favourite TV show or a piece of advertising towering over you from a tall building you can’t escape it, it’s simply a fact. The world we live in today is filled to the brim with advertising and although some may seem fun and witty how does advertising affect us? Although you may not pay attention to the advert itself it can still affect us. While there are some good adverts that promote charities or raise awareness for people that need it most, some adverts can change the way we think and feel. Adverts can often change audiences’ thoughts and feelings as it may make us think that we need the products that they are offering even though we truly don't need them. Over many years advertising campaigns have brainwashed our society to believe that we need things that we simply don’t. Also, most of the advertising we see nowadays are from the big conglomerates that run today’s world, as it may be hard to notice new and innovative brands through advertising due to these big brands controlling the market. Not only do adverts prevent smaller businesses capability to showcase what they offer it also prevents art and culture to be shown freely. But we have been brainwashed by branded culture and we are slaves to them spending lots and lots of money on products we necessarily don't need.

However, there are a few exceptions that break the patterns of advertisement we normally see. An example of this is this billboard, which is not advertising a product you must buy, it is promoting nurses. The Montefiore Hospital is honouring the New York nurses throughout the COVID-19 pandemic telling people to support them through what they have had to deal with in the past few years. You see not all advertising are bad it's just the fact that most of them are bad and that is what we see most of the time.
Advertising is a part in everyone lives it has been grown into our society becoming more and more accepted until people just ignore it. But we shouldn't do this we have let these big brand companies take control of us as they have too much power over us, even appearing in the freedom of our own homes. These open public spaces should be filled with culture and art not a huge billboard promoting the 100th variation of a new iPhone. We have no escape from advertising if you want to leave the house and go to the shops its likely you will see some form of advert even in your own home you will see it whether on your phone or TV, there is no escape! As a society we have adopted this culture and now we can't disband it. What can we do? How do we challenge these big companies and let the world be free of it?