It's no surprise that advertisements has taken over our world. No matter where you look, you'll be reminded of a product from a drink company's iconic logo, or a catchphrase of a fast food company reminding you that your "lovin in".
The video above speaks about the effects on advertising, specifically on children. Younger audiences who are growing learn from what they see, and if that's advertising that you specifically must buy, then that'll lead them onto a materialistic lifestyle. Onwards, focusing on shopping and the need to have new stuff can deteriorate friendships and family relationships, as they want to grow up to have stuff not have relationships. This alone is a huge concern, and it's surprising that nothing has been done about it. Companies rely on there future buyers to agree with there ideals about the need to buy.
Overall I heavily dislike advertising. They feel like a Intrusion on the world and are only there to sell something, not to educate the world.