Media Diary: There's always a bigger fish...
Fewer and fewer companies own more and more of the media.
According to some media theorists this is a bad thing!
Curran & Seaton argue that the bigger the company the less creativity there is. That in a bid to maintain audiences and profits, companies will stifle anything that might be seen as edgy or alternative or challenging so as not to upset or scare away their valued consumers!
On the other hand independent production companies are seen as the last bastion of originality in a world filled with remakes, reboots, sequels and franchises. However the 'indie' companies find it tough when their competitors dominate the market place.
This week you need to research a media company, in can be a multinational corporation or a small 'indie' production company. Either way, you need to explain what they do and how they do it. Whether they fulfil Curran & Seaton's ideas and behave in a way you would expect them to.
You also need to analyse their output and say how it fits in with the company's ethos or ideology.

You can choose a company from any type of media you like, but make sure that your research is detailed and insightful. Remember to use the vocabulary regarding media industries that we have learnt and also relate the insights you have to the work of Curran & Seaton and also the ideas purported by David Hesmondhalgh.