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Audience responses

ava haddon

Updated: Mar 14, 2024

Demographic profile:

Age- 13-60 I feel this would be aimed at such a wide variety of age groups as young girls to women are interested in makeup. The interest in makeup starts at a young age and for some may become something they couldn’t live without. Women from young ages to adult hood enjoy makeup and putting it on to feel better about themselves whether it be an insecure teenager, an experimenting child or an older woman trying to feel young again.

Gender- specifically women as makeup is typically aimed at women and it is a woman in the advert.

Other media they would consume- magazines, beauty shows, celebrity events, social media.

Income- steady, Maybelline isn’t an expensive or high-end brand however, their products aren’t necessarily cheap, if you weren’t in a good place financially you could not spend your money on their products therefore a steady income is probably required.


Psychographic profile:

Would be targeted at mainstreamers as it is a basic representation of women. The advert would be in the mainstream media and viewed by many. Maybelline is a trusted brand which creates this sense of familiarity which a mainstreamer craves from a media product. applying makeup for many is a part of their everyday routine this advert would target the mainstreamer as they live in the world of the domestic and the everyday- their daily routines are fundamental to the way they live their life. This product would also appear to the aspirers as they are driven by other people's perceptions of them- this advert makes it clear you will have your skin will be 'without pores or flaws' if you use this product. The text also states 'picture perfect' this would appeal to the aspirers as they are concerned with appearance , persona, charisma and fashion- the ad speaks to these superficial tendencies as the use of the flawless model presents women as 'perfect.' This would spark interest of the aspirers as her skin does appear perfect and her face in general; the advert alludes to the idea that you too will look like this when you use the product which is appealing for the aspirers.

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