Baby Driver - made in 2017, is an action thriller film by Edgar Wright, featuring actors such as Ansel Elgort, Kevin Spacey and Lily James.
The story follows Baby, a young getaway driver for his boss, Doc, who he is working to repay his debt to and his pursuit of freedom. His talent centres around his love for classic 60's and 70's music due to his hearing condition tinnitus, caused from an accident when he was younger. Due to this, the movie has a wide variety soundtrack ranging from Barry White to Blur. The music choreographed in perfect sync to the film’s cinematography creates a fast paced thrill throughout the numerous car chases and intense dialogue, blending both romance and action.
When Edgar Wright was creating Baby Driver, he was inspired by the song ‘Bellbottoms’ by The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion. He envisioned a car chase set to the music which eventually became the opening scene for Baby Driver. The films soundtrack stays in constant sync with the quick changing atmosphere and mood of the film, keeping each beat on time and dictating the story creating a uniquely edited film rather than using simple background music as the scenes were shot to match the music.
The film had a $34 million budget and was filmed in February-May of 2016, which for a film with such a Hollywood-Blockbuster feel to it is considerably small when taking into account the numerous stunts within the action packed film and characters played by such big name actors such as Jamie Foxx and Jon Hamm. This further causes you to appreciate the films clever and aesthetic cinematography.
Overall, In my opinion, despite the fact some people might find its style overbearing or too simple, Baby Driver is one of my favourite films as of its amazingly executed combination of all genres such as romance, action, thriller and music, staying humorous and entertaining whilst sticking to a cliché and easy to follow storyline, making it both a fun first watch and an even more enjoyable, relaxed re-watch which I would recommend to anyone regardless of their interests and preferences.
