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George Sephton

Bell Hooks/The Big Issue

The Big Issue prides itself on providing a fair and balanced representation of different social groups, whilst also providing a 'voice for the voiceless' in society. The idea of being 'voiceless' may refer to the struggle of finding a purpose in life, something the magazine discusses as a contribution to what they stand for holistically.

'Letter To My Younger Self'

This article specifically is demonstrable of discussing social groups who struggle finding that purpose. Grayson Perry is trans and shares an anecdotal reflection on their life and the hardship experienced to get to where they are today. Bell Hooks would suggest that the inclusion of a representation of the trans community, aligns with feminist's ideologies and is in fact a political commitment. Newspapers and magazines are known to reinforce and reflect a certain political stance and in today's current climate, views surrounding gender play a part in constructing said stance. Hooks would suggest that this is an assertion of political commitment through channelling progressive messages throughout the text. For a topic that is considered taboo my many media outlets, The Big Issue takes pride in its colourful representations of the trans community. However, this can be considered a tokenistic attempt to gain universal appreciation for their seemingly progressive views on the matter. The magazine has also faced criticism in the past for focusing too heavily on the issue of homelessness and its lack of other topics discussed. in this instance, Hooks would suggest that this would discard of any commitment and would be a lifestyle choice of 'bettering the brand' instead of acting for change.

Marvina Newton And An Inconsistent Ratio

The 'Moving on' section of the magazine is dedicated to displaying the success stories their vendors have had in recent day. In the centre of the double page spread is Marvina Newton, a youth charity boss who started selling The Big Issue to earn an income. The representation is constructed to celebrate stories and people 'finding their purpose', yet it is not all about the vendors. Hooks would suggest that these stories are presented in such a way that positions The Big Issue as a cause for the success and the brand still dominates. Feminism is a struggle to end patriarchal oppression and the ideology of domination, yet a woman like Marvina only achieves her success under the guise of men. This raises the question of how progressive these representations truly are and whether they are instead in place to further promote The Big Issue as a brand.

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