The first image is the front cover of The New European a pro-remain paper that thought the Brexit kerfuffle targeted Brexiteers . It paints then member of then European Parliament member Nigel Farage. The newspaper stereotypes the pro leave sector in a way that they are flamboyant and showing-off about their views. The tagline "Remainers secret weapon" Goes as far to say that Brexiteers are their own fatal flaw. The image connotes a sense of overly Britishness as Mr Farage is painted in the colors of the Union Jack. The image presents us with the idea that Farage is nothing but a parading piece. A symbolism of Brexit rather than a man who is trying to get Brexit done. The paper goes into describe Farage as a traditionalist and patriotic. Although in my opinion this is the truth with his flag waving shenanigans in the European parliament and his vocals whilst singing the national anthem, The New European still overly simplifies the right wing, patriotic views of Farage. The bottom text "How Nigel Farage could help crush Brexit". The paper tries to constantly undermine Farage's determination and dedication to quote "Get Brexit Done" Through a combination of his cheeky smile and him being decked out in European clothes, it paints Nigel as being gullible and more of a public figure than a politician. The use of very British icons such as the union jack reinforce his patriotism as a stereotype to undermine his ideas. This is seen as an expression of values and beliefs for The European and it too goes along with what Stuart Hall said were stereotypes such as this are created during moments of inequalities such as Brexit.

This image is from The Sun which is a red top tabloid that was in support of the the Brexit campaign. The Sun uses an image of a rising sun to connote the idea that Brexit is Britain's new beginning. Perhaps this is a shortcut to meaning and to express the suns values as it was supportive of Brexit.
The bottom title Britain's resurgence too could connote a new start for Britain. The Sun paints it as a hopeful time for Britain. perhaps it is relating to American independence day and painting this as it is Britain's counterpart. This post was made during unrest so therefor like Stuart Hall said new stereotypes are created during inequalities such as Brexit. Overall this paper is an expression of there values.

this image is from the Daily Mirror and suggests that Brexit is a danger to the British public. once again this paper was released during inequalities. The image stereotypes Brexit as being almost like a black hole hence the picture. it uses the shock factor to scare the British public into voting remain in the fear that Brexit will create a time of uncertainty Vote remain today could suggest that they are forcing Brexit upon people. It could be said that this is an expression of values as the mirror was against Brexit throughout the entire campaign. However, it could to be a shortcut to meaning as it shows how they are making people fearful of Brexit and scaring them into making the right choice which for them is remain.