Attitude’s open approach to its website expresses core LGBTQ+ values. To simplify the company’s intended audience as simply ‘gay culture’ would be ignorant in validating the diversity of its readers. David Gauntlett’s Role Model & Pick n Mix theory highlights the ‘tools’ the media gives audiences to construct their own identities.

Attitude’s celebration of the Comic company DC’s cultural advancement towards LGBTQ+ characters give audience’s the ability to construct their own expressions. With ‘superheroes’ viewed as individuals who express courage and strength; this conveys Gauntlett’s message of the medium’s ability to show the effects even fictional characters cater as influencial figures. Audiences’ can connect with these superhero role models, encouraging the empowerment of self identity whilst also still reflecting them as simply human regardless of their sexual orientation.

Attitude promotes a variety of interests prevalent in LGBTQ+ communities. As a major identification point, this permits people to choose topics that celebrate them as a person. Although the limitation of cultural values can be simplified in a short list of 6 key items. Applying Gauntlett, this could express concerns with individuals feeling overlooked if their interests aren’t there. The range of Attitude’s content may make those in the LGBTQ+ community restricted in how they portray themselves. Viewer’s need for prominence may result in people applying these key LGBTQ+ interests to appeal to their selected group. Forming an identity that individuals may not feel strongly related to, could harm the desired effect supportive communal groups, such as Attitude, originally have. A foundation of security is challenged; shaking the notion of balance as LGBTQ+ matters are far too complex to compile them in a short page list.