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Dear society - music video and postmodernism

Madison Beers Dear Society is an example of a music video which Is satire considering there is an underlying message to the video. Although at first listen you could easily mistaken the somg for being about a boy who Madison cant help but keep going back to despite knowing that he is bad for her, the song has an even deeper meaning. The song is actually about the negative aspects of social media and how destructive it can be. The song is about how the internet and social media feed into a person’s perception of themselves and the world as a whole, and considering media is constructed after undergoing mediation this reflects just how negative media can be. The purpose of the song is to send a message about how despite being a powerful tool, social media can also be very self destructive. Within the song she positions the internet as though it is a lover in order to portray how people’s relationship with the internet can affect them, and she mentions how she cannot get through the day without using it.

”Diets that I shouldn't try, it feels like social suicide / And honestly, it's cyanide, I'm 'bout to die / Been 21 since 17, thanks to all the magazines / Man, sometimes, I just wanna scream and break my screen” within this second verse she goes deeper into the meaning behind the song talking about all of the aspects which have personally affected her. She mentions how having an unhealthy relationship with the media can lead to other issues such as poor diets and feeling as though she had to grow up earlier than she necessarily should have. However, in the bridge “The truth is, you're the one who’s always there for me / With my daily dose of internet / And all the things that I should quit, but can't” she explores the idea of how someone may feel they don’t want to involve themselves with social media anymore but can’t because its now a part of their lives which they can’t just quit. The song demons just how addicive it has become to a point where people feel as though they cannot escape it.

The music video itself is of the sci-fi genre and it is centered around Madison in some kind of experiment which she clearly wants no involvement with, which goes along with all of the points she mentions in the lyrics about how she doesn’t want to be a part of it but she can’t escape. The video does a good job at alluding to the nature of social media and just how complicated it is, showing how sometimes you can become an unwilling participant in it since it surrounds us constantly.


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