In her music video: “my love, mine all mine” she uses the use pf the sunflower in the cracked egg to represent herself. The visual code highlights how she is bloomed and ready to grow, however something above Mitski is stopping her from going any further so the flower is forced to stay in its shell. However, as this clip moves forward Mitski pulls the flower out herself – allowing the flower to bloom and be free. Which is another representation of herself as she can be free and live her life however she wants.

In the next clip, she is seen standing on a chair. With the interpretation of suicide. Suicide can me referenced in multiple parts of this music video, just like the image after this where it is a white chair on a black background, but a noose is being made with one of its legs. Another interpretation of suicide but not so obvious is the fact that the setting is in a warehouse. This however could show how alone she feels and how empty her mind really is. But the fact that she could feel alone and, in a warehouse, could suggest that suicidal people have the intention of being so alone before they commit to the act as there is a chance they change their mind but occasionally not – minus Mitski’s case.
The fact that the warehouse which she has set her music video in could have two interpretations. She couldn’t decide which chair she wanted to commit the act in, so she used them all and ended up piling them up. However, the alternative is that it is like she is trying to reach out for something but is unable to get there and get who or what she wants.

The chairs are reaching high, and she is on the ground, looking up. This could perhaps reflect and represent how insignificant she might really feel despite all the effort that she had went through to put the chairs so high. On a deeper level, it could show how little you feel of how much you do something yet always feel so small in comparison to what others do – making you always feel like you never do enough. However, Mitski contrasts this and climbs up – possibly ready to reach for what she in fact does desire. It also could possibly represent how everybody should feel about the completion of work you do – she shows you should feel proud of what you have done. This is also seen in one of the last clips where she takes a small glimpse of the singular chair where she once was – looking at how far she had gone. This could also symbolise somebodies’ mental health and how they do get better after a long period of time there is just a lot of obstacles to overcome before you can feel better about yourself.

This whole music video is dedicated to Mitski herself, and there is no real performance within the music video and it is just a lot of a hidden meaning story. Her outfit within the music represents purity - hence the colour white - which highlights the fact that she is innocent and hasn't done any wrong.
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