Zoella's work creates meaning in its relatability and ease for audiences to understand. She encodes it with little bloopers, timing the natural lighting wrong and stuttering - these mistakes being kept in allow for a more natural flow and give the audience an element of reality - she is not over the top or fancy or trying to hide anything, and looks to present herself as authentic as possible. Despite the fact she was one of the largest content creators and bringing in large sums of money, her production value never increased and this was likely all intentional to never lose that relatable factor that appeals to audiences.
She also discusses topics that may make her seem 'imperfect.' She went on this morning to talk about coping mechanisms for social anxiety, showing she is also trying to help her audience. She seems to have a good connection with her fanbase, and shares things more personal such as a video titled 'A conversation with my therapist.' These things are likely encouraged by her producers (encoded) for her audience to enjoy and see despite her fame and money she is still just a normal person with normal experiences (decoded.)
However, what we see of Zoella is just likely not true. Her stories may be exaggerated, and this presentation of herself is actually just a 'representation' that reaches a wider audience of those who are just normal people living normal lives going through normal everyday things.