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Charlie Creevy

Christmas is a time that means a lot to me as for a ton of people, Christmas brings me joy. However, this year there hasn't been that feeling of excitement for the holiday. Advertisements are a huge part of the holiday they bring excitement and also set the mood in a way. I've only started to think of it this way in this year because it has been more miserable due to our society today especially in this campus adore talking about issues and ignoring any positives and talking politically and economically.

The advert I will be focussing on n is the admittedly easy choice but the 2022 John Lewis advert "The Beginner" this advert was a huge hit as typical but personally it doesnt excite me for the holiday that is but this Sunday but rather makes me upset at what people focus on now. I have seen that it has great representation of people in the care home system and has been a positive for them as one person worte "this is a perfect advert in this economic climate" and another form the partner postmodernjukebox "wow this is beautiful, honoured to be a part of it". But personally, this advert was slightly on the depressing side which is absolutely not what Christmas is for. Christmas is a time for overwhelming happiness, family and good food. Oh! good memories too I guess. Furthermore, this advert has no over flowing food tables and towers of presents under the tree its all about people and society which to be frank is my biggest hatred recently everything being people and society so if I am brutally honest it is ruining my once unbeatable Christmas spirit. Despite this fact, I had to go searching for this ad so it did not effect my mood as I have had a good one today.

To end of, an ad that has brought me joy since childhood I would love to mention is the Boysies Santa car. For those of you who dont know the local boysy, they do an annual Christmas ad where they dress up as santa and drive around neighbourhoods at night. This ad brought me so much joy as I thought the jolly tubby man clad in coca cola red was real and was waving at little ol' me. For the record, it must have worked concidering I went there for about a week before I left. But hey, at least I got to play mario 64


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