About Time, directed by Richard Curtis the film follows "Tim Lake" played by Domhnall Gleeson, who discovers that the men in his family can travel back in time and instead of using this power for fame or fortune, Tim focuses on living a more meaningful life, especially in his relationship with the people he loves for example his wife Mary (Rachel McAdams) and his father (Bill Nighy).
Although I've only watched this movie once, I feel like it has shifted my perspective on what it means to truly appreciate each moment.
The movie doesn't focus on the science behind time traveling, but instead focuses on appreciating and paying attention to the "small" moments in life, this approach makes the film more relatable and down to earth, One of the most emotional parts of "About Time" was Tim's relationship with his dad. Tim's dad taught him about his "power" to relive moments, and shared with him that the most important thing is to live each day fully, as if you could only live it once. Towards the end of the movie, Tim has to ultimately say goodbye to his father, which is a reminder that time with loved ones is limited, and that we should cherish it while we have it.
Cherishing memories and embracing nostalgia is very important to me and capturing moments by videos and photos, allows me to hold onto those memories and revisit them in a similar way "Tim" does in the film.