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Music Video Conventions - Sanctuary

Sanctuary is the opening sequence to the video game Kingdom Hearts II, this music video works as a reminder as to what happened throughout the events of the of the original game and inform the audience of what happened in between the two games, therefore it follows a narrative structure, I'll be talking about how it follows the common conventions of narrative structured music videos to tell a story.

Sanctuary's filming tells a story, as previously mentioned, it recaps on the events of the previous game, it shows snippets of cutscenes from Kingdom Hearts I in chronological order, starting from before the main character has even started his journey, and jumps around to important events that happen throughout the game.

The game works as its own story which is a part of an overarching series of events throughout the series, so it makes sense that the song which bases itself around the game's story would work as it's own complete story too, in this sense, the song works quite well like a mini film that can be enjoyed even without any prior knowledge of the series (despite the fact that the plot is glossed over in way so that you'd most likely need to know the story of the games in order to fully understand the video).

The video also uses stereotypes to its advantage as a shortcut to meaning, for example, the villain is a very stereotypical one, fro his clothing being black connoting that he's evil, his facial expressions and his actions within the video all scream "villain".

In conclusion Sanctuary is a simple pop song with a music video acting as a recap to those who have played the original game and exposition to people who haven't and, in my opinion, it does so fairly well, using stereotypes and fast editing to convey it's meaning fast. However, I do not believe that the song holds any hidden, deep meaning or has anything to say about our world as a whole.

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