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Preferred Reading (Milk for Real Men)


In this advertisement, the target audience that it is representing to is for men which is very physical, strong, muscular and confident. The age range of this is 15-34, this is because of how people is this age range are more likely to try and build muscle, and this can be shown in the physical appearance of the man and shows his abs and his six-pack, and this shows a reading that this is how I got the muscling by drinking the protein drink. Another demographic

that it has present is for white American males, where they are targeting as being big and strong. A demographics that they use is a health lifestyle, where they show the positives of drinking the protein shake. In the advertisement shows it is appealing to men specifically, and this shows in the title ‘Milk for Real Men’. The way that it is in the words Real ‘Men’, has a format of purply capital letters, where it looks like it is directly towards men, and it is excluding females. The psychographics of the advert is very assertive, very adventurous, very outgoing. This can be shown is the background image where there are mountains and how the main man is holding himself, from the cliff edges, which shows the strength that the drink is giving.

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1 Comment

Lily Evans
Mar 12, 2024

Oppositional reading: The advert clearly targets a younger, insecure generation of boys (late teenagers to early twenties) as they are the most susceptible to adverts about changing your body/ making you appear stronger. The text code of 'helping you do manly things' emphasizes this in a toxic way, by making the spectator believe that if they don't drink this specific milk they aren't as much of a man.

The phrase 'for real men' is, from a feminist perspective, extremely derogatory and sexist, as it completely isolates women from being able to try the product and presents them as inferior. It also creates the ideology that women aren't as athletic or workout less than men, as the product is shown …

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