David Gauntlett's theory states that "the media provide us with 'tools' or resources that we use to construct our identities", we can apply this to Grayson Perry's page in the Big Issue. Grayson talks about his struggles being transvestite and how he was able to obtain wigs by looking through The Daily Mail. In this case, the media was able to facilitate Grayson's sexual fetish and further help him express who he is. Because of this Grayson now does the same and is a role model for many, his confidence and ideologies, such as its nice to be nice, is what people aspire to be like. This links to what David Gauntlett said about how there are a far more diverse range of stars and celebrities today, and how some of these stars become role models for an audience. In the instance of Perry his ideologies align with many, therefore while people may not want to be him, they still align with his views.
