This image shows a tabloid newspaper about how Boris Johnson broke the rules that he has created, where when COVID was a very serious thing and the representation of this is how Boris Johnson was a person who didn’t obey the rules that he has created. This is shown on the image of his face, where he looks very calm, and he looks very confused as he didn’t do anything wrong. This portrays him as a bad person, and another image of Rishi Sunak, where he is smiling, show how evil he looks due to how the rest of the UK people was restricted to leave the house and, whereas they had a party, will a lot of people. Another thing is that how the title says, “Led by Liars and Lawbreakers”, this describes Boris as a bad person and a person who can’t be trusted and how he is made the British people like Fools and very stupid and they feel like they have been played with. The Mirror portrays them as a thief, where they have taken the freedom of UK residents. Another thing is how they have anchored a caption stating, ‘Partner in Crime- Boris Johnson and Rishi Sunak’, this shows how they are viewed by The Mirror as bad people due to the actions that they performed during those events. Another asset that the Daily Mirror has put is a small image of the Daily Mirror newspaper about Partygate. This shows how the Daily Mirror wants to show the bad side of Boris Johnson and wants people to hate him even more.
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