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Stuart Hall and the Big Issue

Updated: Nov 12, 2020

Stuart Halls representation theory, suggests that meaning is constructed through language and a system of signs. He also says that stereotyping is a form of representation and reduces people to a few simple characteristics or traits. Stereotyping tends to occur when there is an inequality of power.

According to Stuart hall, the big issue should portray homeless people in a negative light as this is how society sees them and there is a significant power inequality between homeless people and the rest of society. However, the big issue has an innovative attitude and aims to change the perception of homelessness. They are not presented as dirty or criminals, they are shown as people who took a wrong turn in life and are trying to correct it. It Stuart Hals theory did apply; all venders would be portrayed as addict’s criminals who made bad decisions that lead them to this point in their life and they deserve it- as this is what society sees.

An example of where Stuart Halls ideas and theories are proved wrong in the set text is the article titled “moving on” this article spreads over four page and is dedicated to vendors who this big issue has helped in the past and what they have achieved in their life since. These people all look like regular respected people of society, reinforcing the idea that anyone can be homeless and anyone could have been in the past. It gives the representation that the homeless are people too, diminishing pre-existing stereotypes. This goes against halls representation theory as the previous vendors are not represented by simple characteristics or traits, they are represented as individuals all with their own background and stories to tell.

However we can see here how the past vendors are shown as there now selves which could apply to Halls theories as society accepts them more as the professional people that they are today rather than the homeless people, Maning that people still have this misconception of homeless people and a stereotype - which the big issue may discreetly play into.However, the images do show them happy , going against halls theory as a stereotype would tell us hat homeless people are unhappy in they way of life- the stereotype of homeless people also makes us feel like if a person becomes homeless their is no ay out-this is proved wrong by the moving on article.

The set text of the big issue also links to Halls representation theory when representing the older generation on elderly people. Society sees the elderly as weak and someone who needs taking care of however we also have the perception that old people re wise with a lot of life experience.we can see this stereotype in the article about Donato as we see him tell his story and how he ended up homeless. We can see how he is perceived to have an interesting and busy life, after living in Italy, Australia and London. The article also tells us about the jobs he has had. These codes reiterate to a audience how Donato had a busy life with lots of different experiences but also hard times, resulting in his homelessness.This links to Halls theories as the Big issue is stereotyping the old as being wise and knowledgable with lots of stories to tell. However, it also goes against Hall as Donato is not represented as weak. We see him in the central image laughing will selling the big issue an see how he works 7 hours a day , five days a weak, most 70 year old men would be retired. This shows how the Big issue goes against normal stereotypes on old people and represents Donato as strong and resilient determined to make a better life for himself.

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Unknown member
Nov 12, 2020

really good explanation of how people are represented in the magazine. Women are also another group that tend to be stereotyped, whereas in this magazine, they are represented as strong individuals who are resilient.


Unknown member
Nov 12, 2020

i like how you mention what his main ideas are and talk about how they have been opposed through the magazine. this is important when discussing this magazine as it aims to represent people as equal and attempts to steer away from using stereotypes in a way to represent those who have been under or misrepresented.


Unknown member
Nov 12, 2020

The analysis could have been a bit more concise, however it was good overall.

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