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The Returned: Representations of femininity

Elise Farrell

The Returned explores representations of femininity extensively throughout the series in various different ways. There is a diverse inclusion of storylines and character experiences that can all be relates to the shows exploration of female stereotypes. bell hooks recognizes that women are under-represented and that feminism is a struggle against the ideology of domination. In The Returned it is noticeable that the majority of the female character's storylines resort back to the presence of men. This is most evident in Adele's character and through the fact that the initial plot of her storyline is based on a decision between two men who both oppress her. Thomas, more specifically, acts disturbingly casual about the fact that he has constant surveillance on Adele and her daughter without them having any knowledge of this, leaving them with little to no autonomy. Additionally, she seeks comfort from Simon who we see making unwanted physical advances on Adele which leads to her having to slap him across the face in order to get him to stop. We do not see Simon face and repercussions for his harsh actions, if anything it is just accepted and the show moves on - reflection the ideologies of dominance and patriarchal oppression in a male dominated society.

A more underlying character's storyline is Lucy's. This is a female character that is sexualized by Jerome as we see him giving her money and scheduling to see her again, we later find out that this is for her sexual involvement in order for Jerome to connect with his deceased daughter Camille as it is revealed that Lucy is a form of medium for the dead and the living. hooks also recognizes that women from lower classes are reminded to be unequal with men. The negative reflection of Lucy's character reflects this as we know that her sources of work are a means of her making money however, the repercussions of it are her potentially damaging a family.

Julie's character also provides evidence to support hooks's idea that women of a lower class have defined women's liberation and equality with men as she works constantly whilst never seems to see any of the material rewards from this. She is also haunted by her attack from Serge which is a key example of hook's previously mentioned proposed idea of male domination. However, in Julies case, she lives independently yet is still able to manage her own career and act as a mother figure to Victor - without the need for a man's assistance. Her sexuality and independence implies that men do not need to appear within her life for any need at all.


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