The forth film released about the thunder god Thor was not the best compared to the first three. Marvel could of done more with the villain as he was just kind of boring through the film except for the beginning showing his story. I feet like marvel could of done something more like they did with Loki and thanos which they have done more developing there character.
It was mainly a comedy style film over action to me with Thors stormbraker (axe) being jealous over Thors hammer. There were more comedy scenes like local people acting out one of the other films.
Chris Hemsworth acting as Thor was good like the other films. He really gets into character when playing Thor.
I like the directors and editors artistic choice of going monochrome as it shows the shadow realm. I think this was a good way to show it then it being in colour. I also like the only colour seen is blue from Thors powers and hammer.
