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BLM Movement

Media Bloggers

Updated: Jan 10

The Black Lives Matter movement which gained widespread global attention following the death of George Floyd in 2020,has been represented in a variety of ways across different platforms and types of media.

  1. News coverage - CNN

    News outlets such as CNN covered the protests extensively, often focusing on their peaceful nature. However, some segments also highlighted incidents of rioting and property damage, this constructed a narrative of urgency and crisis, portraying the protests as both a demand for justice and a potential threat to society. The clips of rioting during the protests reinforced stereotypes of African Americans as angry or prone to violence/crimes especially during news reports that focused on the riots rather than peaceful protests. This draws on Dyer's stereotyping theory of ordering the world ( us vs them ) . CNN's coverage was hegemonic, as it reinforces already existing mainstream ideologies about not advocating for justice or change.

  1. Social Media - Instagram

    Posts on Instagram including viral hashtags (#BLM) constructs an emotional and collective narrative. They emphasised solidarity,education and direct action which made the movement accessible to younger audiences and global communities. This media product focused on empowering black voices and stories and it disrupted dominant narratives by highlighting black accomplishments and excellence rather than victimhood. The agenda encouraged users to donate, sign petitions and protest, pushing for grassroots activism.

    The representation was pluralistic, shaped by users and activists and allowed marginalised voices to control traditional media.

  1. This is America - Childish gambino

it was released in 2018 and addressed issues such as gun violence, racism and the distractions of popular culture.

The video juxtaposes scenes of dance and chaos, which reflects the coexistence of both, entertainment but also violence that is faced in America. Gambino's frantic movements and facial expressions serve as a focal point, and demonstrates the unpredictability present in society. Rather than reinforcing stereotypes, "This is America". The ideological message of this music video centres on the desensitisation to violence and police brutality. The agenda is to provoke a change in America



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