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Media Diary: Too Many Ads?


Is Banksy right? Has advertising infiltrated our public and private spaces too much? Have we become slaves to branded culture?

Even in an online virtual space we are not given any freedom from advertising culture as we become more and more targeted by companies desperate for us to part with our hard earned cash!

Write a blogpost on the ubiquity of advertising in our culture. Is it a good thing or a bad thing? Does it cause us psychological damage or do we just ignore it? Should our public spaces be filled with real art and real culture rather than corporate sponsored art and logos?

Banksy Rat.jpg
no logo.jpg

Artists such as Banksy and social commentators such as Naomi Klein have long argued that advertisers have outstayed their welcome, however it seems that in an online environment we seem to be happy to do their work for them!

You must include some kind of visual or audio visual representation of your discussion in your blogpost and you must also use the categories 'Media Diary' AND 'Year 12 Week 5'

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